Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I went to see the movie "Wanted" last night with my good friend Stephanie L. When we were deciding what movie to watch, I listed Wanted along with a few others as possibilities. Wanted was my first choice, but I wasn't sure that Steph would be willing to see a violent action film. Turns out Wanted was her first choice too!
And it was violent. Lots of slo-mo scenes of bullets going through people's heads and blood spraying everywhere. It was a little over the top. But I enjoyed the action sequences. There were some amazing car chases and a scene near the end with a train that blew my mind. I actually really liked the movie a lot.
The truth is, I like nearly anything with Angelina Jolie. I am insanely jealous of her. She is beautiful, talented, smart, and has such an aura of toughness. She always says it like it is and I think she really tries to use her position to make a difference in the world. Not only would I like to be her, but I think I have a girl-crush on her as well!!

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