Thursday, July 17, 2008

Toilet Training Carly

I am once again trying to toilet train my cat. I first attempted this last summer, and gave up in frustration after about a month. I've had a year to forget why I lost patience the first time, so I'm giving it another go.
I bought a kit last summer called "Litter Kwitter." It comes with an instructional DVD which I never have watched. Perhaps that explains my failure. I should definitely watch it tomorrow.
Anyway, the kit has a specially designed toilet seat contraption with three different inserts. The first insert is a completely enclosed litter pan. The second, intermediate insert has a hole in the litter pan. And the final insert is mostly hole with just a litter "moat." The idea is to gradually transition the cat to each insert as she becomes comfortable with the last. 
Right now, Carly is on the first insert. She has no problem with jumping up on the toilet and doing her business in the completely enclosed pan. Where we ran into trouble last summer was when I moved on to the next insert and she could see/smell the water through the hole. That really freaked her out. So she pooped on the floor. Yes, I am remembering my frustration now . . . I really did not like picking up poop from the floor!
Okay, I'm going to watch that DVD tomorrow. I am determined this time. We are going to graduate from a litter box to a toilet-using cat!!

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