Thursday, September 18, 2008

Personality Test

Today I took the Facebook version of the Myers-Briggs Personality Test. I took this test years ago - in my high school psychology class, I think. I've long since lost and forgotten the results, so I was curious to see what this popular personality test would reveal. I came out as an "ENFJ." Here is what that means:

E is for Extroversion. I am an extrovert which means I like to be with others and to talk things out rather than contemplate inside my own head. Sometimes I act before planning and thinking things out completely.

N is for Intuition. This means I am more interpretive about events than factual or detail oriented. Instead of systematically working through problems, I tend to brainstorm solutions (preferably in a group, of course).

F is for Feeling. This applies to how I approach decision-making situations. I am inclined to consider the feelings and points-of-view of others rather than the cold, hard facts when making decisions. I am a peace-maker and non-confrontational.

J is for Judging. This means that I approach my outer life with a sense of planning and forethought, and like to have things finished and decided. I am a checklist person and I don't procrastinate much.

Apparently ENFJs make good teachers. Hmmm.....

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