Tonight, I, along with many of my colleagues, will be attending the Del Mar school district board meeting. The meeting tonight is of particular interest because our board is scheduled to make some decisions on program changes resulting from the bleak economic forecast for all public services.
This meeting is just one landmark on a difficult road we've been traveling for months now.
The Del Mar Union School District is a top-notch district, with high test scores, satisfied parents, and well-adjusted kids. The median income, like the parent education level, is much higher than average. And Del Mar is one of the last school districts in the nation that offers students learning opportunities with highly trained specialists in the arts, as well as in science, technology, and P.E. Yes, on a regular basis, my fourth graders enjoy lessons from an art specialist, a music specialist, a computer specialist, a science specialist and a physical education specialist. This Extended Studies model not only gives Del Mar students extra opportunities to learn from teachers who are extremely knowledgeable, talented, and passionate in their respective subject areas, it also gives the classroom teachers release or "prep" time to individually and collaboratively plan lessons and evaluate student results.
So tonight, we will hear the district's proposals for which of these programs shall be cut.
It's not surprising - all public schools are looking at huge reductions in their funding, and cuts need to made. That's just reality. What's very, very difficult is knowing that cutting these positions will likely lead to layoffs. I have several colleagues - wonderful people and amazing teachers - who are not at all sure that they will have a job next year.
I am not looking forward to tonight's board meeting, but I also would not dream of missing it...
Big Red
1 month ago
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