These surveys are flying around Facebook all of a sudden. This one was handed off to me by Natalie. Again, I am eliminating some of the questions to pare it down a little:
Do you like blue cheese?
Have you ever smoked?
Not tobacco...
Do you own a gun?
Haha, would you believe me if I said yes? Didn't think so.
Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
Only if I know I'll be giving blood.
What do you think of hot dogs?
I like veggie dogs!
Favorite Christmas movie?
It's a Wonderful Life
What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Venti soy green tea latte
Can you do push-ups?
Maybe 2 or 3!
Middle name?
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
The aforementioned green tea latte
Sam Adams
Current worry?
Whether my hip will get better so I can start running again.
Favorite place to be?
Cuddled up in bed with a loved one. I think this is my dog's favorite place to be too, as she's my current cuddle partner!
How did you bring in the new year?
With grapes, a broom, luggage and coins at Todd and Karla's New Year party.
Where would you like to go?
Australia is at the top of my list.
Do you own slippers?
I got some for Christmas and gave them to Meg. I can't stand wearing slippers or socks for very long.
Can you whistle?
Yes, but not in the loud, cool way.
Would you be a pirate?
If Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom were on the ship, sure!
Favorite Girl's Name?
Favorite boy's name?
Last thing that made you laugh?
The "Motivational Posters" email Ashli sent me.
What vehicle do you drive?
Audi A3
Worst pain you've ever had?
A couple of years ago I had a very painful hysterosalpingogram. I think I got a little taste of what labor will feel like...
Do you love where you live?
I don't love the city, but I do love my peeps. I'd like to try living somewhere else but can't imagine leaving my friends or job.
How many TVs do you have in your house?
Just the one, which is rarely on.
Do you collect anything?
My Winnie the Pooh collection stays in my classroom. At home - shoes?
Favorite Sports Team?
The Oakland Athletics
Big Red
1 month ago
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