After writing my review of The Reader yesterday, I was reflecting a bit on my taste in movies. Like anyone, I have a certain slant or filter that colors my impression of any film: I'm all about the people.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good Jim Carrey comedy or summer blockbuster, but when it comes to the movies that I really love, nothing can beat a good character-driven drama. I want to connect with the personalities up on the screen, feel that they're real, and empathize with their flaws and hardships. It's the same with books - if the author fleshes out the characters so that they live and breathe for me, I will sob at the end of the book when it's time to let them go. And I'll often go right back to the beginning and read the whole thing again just to prolong the loss!
So if a director can get me to care, really care, about the people in his film, chances are I'll love it. But if not, all the beautiful scenery and poignant themes will make no difference: it'll still get a thumbs down from me.
Big Red
1 month ago
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