I haven't always felt this way. There's been many a December, several in recent memory in fact, where I've felt nothing but stress, heartache, and the desire for the entire holiday season to just. Be. Over.
But my existence is a lot simpler now. I no longer rush around like a maniac trying to make, locate, buy, and ship the exact perfect gift for every friend and family member. Through the circumstances of life I've been compelled to reorganize my priorities and I've learned how to stop and smell the proverbial roses. Or in this case, maybe stop and smell the pine boughs!
As the air turns colder (although, what was it, like 80 degrees in San Diego today??), and the Christmas tunes start playing on the radio, my nesting instincts kick in. I love just puttering around my little apartment, cleaning out closets, clearing out the cobwebs, and considering my goals for the new year. I break out the warm pajamas, bake cookies in the oven to warm up the house, and sip hot chocolate. Following the early sunsets, I turn on the TV and enjoy the holiday classics all over again: Rudolph, the Grinch, Charlie Brown, It's a Wonderful Life... I love them all!
And as 2008 winds down, I find myself reflecting more than ever on the many blessings I am lucky enough to enjoy...
-A secure job in these tricky economic times. And a 3% raise to boot!
-A cozy little home in a beautiful coastal city.
-A sweet dog who is my constant companion and an affectionate, pretty little kitty who, well, is not too much trouble.
-The most professional, caring, fun coworkers ever.
-Amazing friends who surround me with love and laughter.
-My strong, caring family that always welcomes me home.
-And an incredible, loving partner who, beginning around the middle of July, has made every day feel like Christmas.

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