Knitting Update
In a previous entry, I detailed how my own stubborn stupidity caused me to be about 5 yards short of yarn to finish a baby blanket for my coworker Donna. Since the yarn I needed was no longer in stock at any of my local craft shops, I had to order it online. AND since I couldn't really see the color accurately online, I had to order two different colors. Yes, I realize I could have done any number of things to avoid this chain of events (bought enough yarn in the first place, made a note of what color I was using, etc.). But, everything turned out fine, because one of the yarns was a color match, I finished the blanket, and I gave it to Donna at her baby shower. Here is the completed blankie:
So, I was trying to find a project to use the extra skein of yarn I bought which is TLC Amore in the lovely color "seaglass." I of course went straight to Ravelry where I found this cool pattern called "Frock Camisole":
Now, as I confessed to my knitting group on Sunday, I've never made a human sweater. I've been knitting for about 10 years, and I've made lots of blankets, dishcloths, scarves, socks, a market bag, a backpack, and even a teeny-tiny doggie sweater, but never a sweater for a person. Part of the problem is that I hate to seam. Also I'm scared, because a sweater actually needs to fit to some degree, unlike a blanket or a scarf which can come out any old size and still be okay. Gail reminded me that there are sweater patterns out there which require little or no seaming. The "Frock Camisole" pattern is mostly knitted in the round, and assuming I make it that far, I will only need to attach the straps in the back. It also looks pretty loose-fitting in the picture, so I am hoping there's room for error as far as sizing goes. It's a pretty simple pattern and I've already completed about and inch and a half. I will post pictures of my progress soon...
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