- Boy, was I skinny back then. I don't think I had developed any hips to speak of yet, and I had yet to discover the "freshman 15." But I thought I was fat! Weird...
- I was blond. Very, very blond.
- I loved Madonna then. I love Madonna now. I guess some things never change.
- Those popular guys I had crushes on don't look nearly so cute to me now. And the little pipsqueaks who had crushes on me look adorable (and are probably millionaire software moguls!)
- I always felt like a little bit of a geek - not part of the popular crowd. I certainly didn't ever party, was never in the homecoming court and I didn't get asked out very often. But looking back now, I realize that I was super-involved, got along with everyone and really had a positive high-school experience.
- I was sure I would be living in Hollywood by now. I would be acting, producing, directing. I would be a star!!
- Now that I'm a teacher myself, I can look at my high school teachers with a different level of respect. Even the ones I really didn't like. How they were able to put up with giggly, hormonal, distracted adolescents such as myself, I will never know!!
- My kids are going to laugh at those pictures some day. We all thought we were so cool. With my huge dangly earrings, parachute pants, and teased, sprayed-out hair, I look anything but cool!
- Mostly when I look back at my 15 and 16 year-old self, I think about how I felt like I knew everything. I had so many strong opinions about love, friendship, spirituality, right and wrong, where I would end up in life . . . If I've learned anything since, it's simply that life is unpredictable and people can surprise you.
Life is an incredible journey and I love that I've been able to adapt and change over the years. I am so grateful for everything I have and for the friends who enrich my life. I'd love to be able to tell that 16 year-old baby "Buckle your seat belt, girl, you are in for an incredible ride!" I'm excited to see what the next 16 have in store...
I, too, would be interested in seeing where these next 16 years lead you, and with whom you allow to accompany you on this wild ride.
Hmmm... I need to dig my old yearbooks out. Here's to the next 16 years!
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