Anyway, I received my latest DVD in the mail about a week ago. I've been wanting to watch the new Showtime series called Californication with David Duchovny. I loved Duchovny on the X-Files, and I had read in Entertainment Weekly that this new series was pretty explicit, but quite good. So, tonight I decided to sit down and enjoy this raunchy entertainment!
Well, when I opened up the envelope, I found that the disc inside was a movie called 10,000 B.C. - oops, a little mix up on the part of Blockbuster. I reported the problem online, and then I thought, "Huh, a free movie. Might as well check it out."
Now I have seen some bad movies in my life. Usually they are sequels to movies I actually really liked. I walked out of the theater a few minutes in to The Crow 2. Jurassic Park 2 - need I say more? And Blair Witch 2? Don't even get me started!! Some other crappy movies I've actually paid money to see include A History of Violence and Message in a Bottle.

At least I was smart enough to stay completely away from bombs such as Gigli, Battlefield Earth, Glitter, and Swept Away (I love ya Madonna, but not that much).
I gave 10,000 BC a generous 10 minutes to prove itself. It felt like 10,000 minutes! Total crap. Horrible. Stupid dialogue, ridiculous acting, second-rate CGI . . . there is nothing redeeming about this movie, unless maybe they inject a kick-ass car chase scene midway through. But somehow, I doubt it. Free or not, this one is headed back to Blockbuster unwatched.
So, let me see if I understand you correctly: You DIDN'T like the movie?
Thanks for the heads up. I won't be adding this to my netflix queue
You do to like Madonna that much! Ash
Yeah, you're right Ashli. I just haven't gotten around to watching it yet!!
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