Thanksgiving has come and gone and I cannot, I repeat, cannot wrap my mind around the fact that it's nearly 2010. I've been indulging in one of my favorite habits this week while I've been off work: reflecting. I realized this was the first Thanksgiving in a very long time that I have not shared with a significant other. It's been at least 15 years since I've been 100% single for this holiday - maybe longer! I've spent Christmases solo, been a sad sack on Valentine's Day, have made it through Independence Day without a mate...but for some reason I've always spent the last Thursday of November with a boyfriend (or, for a long time, a husband).
Of course, I did not wither away alone yesterday. I was asked to spend the day with 5 different sets of friends and, there's always a standing invitation to go home for Thanksgiving. And this is why I feel thankful: to have such a caring and devoted network of people who remind me over and over that they love me. I had a fantastic time hanging out with the Preeces yesterday: Karla's delicious cooking, the girls giggling over everything, and Todd looking so happy and proud of his family.
Being single is lonely sometimes. All of the friends, experiences, and blessings in the world can not replace the intimacy of a healthy, committed love relationship. But this year, I am thankful for my single-ness. It is during times of solitude that I am able to discover the most profound truths about myself. This is a time for me to learn and grow on my own. To paraphrase my wise friend Tricia (who is married to an amazing guy), "I'm so thankful for all of the ups and downs, because they led me to where I am today."
Big Red
1 month ago
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