Brandy is lying here beside me at nearly 11 P.M., all tuckered out after a day of excitement. Today, we slept in a little, and I started off the morning by taking Brandy out for a little bit of exercise. I thought I’d throw her toy around a little bit on the dirt, let her get some of her energy out. Well, Brandy had a different idea – she immediately splashed into the lake up to her belly. Even though I threw her little rope toy in a different direction, she kept going back into the water and wading around. So finally, I gave up and just tossed the toy into the lake a few times so she could fetch it and bring it back. I dried Little Miss Soggy with my beach towel before we headed back inside.
I spent the rest of the morning reading one of my textbooks while Brandy relaxed in the sunshine, then went with Sherwin, Emmy, and Eli to nearby Oakridge for lunch. We feasted at A&W – greasy fast food, followed by root beer floats, yum!
Back at the cabin, it was time for an afternoon nap – the best part of being on vacation! Around 4:00, the Cabaels arrived, along with Conrad and Teeza. And all of the food. I’ve never seen so many groceries in my life! I’m only here until Wednesday morning, but I don’t know how the rest of the folks are going to eat even half of this stuff by next weekend!
I am definitely decompressing in this place, and only wish I didn’t have a homework deadline hanging over my head. Oh well, I guess lots of people end up working on vacation! Tomorrow is my second and last full day in Oregon. The guys are planning to wake up very early for more fishing, and there’s talk of a drive to Crater Lake in the afternoon.
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