I was indeed accepted this week into UCSD's Teaching and Learning Program. I am going to be working toward an Education Doctorate Degree (EdD) over the next four years. It was a lot of work just to complete the application and I really was not at all sure that I would be admitted, so just now the full meaning of this is sinking in....
I decided to apply to this program because I love to learn. Love of learning is the main reason I decided to become a teacher! In the summer of 2007, I became a fellow in the San Diego Area Writing Project. That means I spent a month reading current education research, writing about it, and discussing with like-minded colleagues. It was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my professional life, and definitely got me thinking about a doctoral program. Because while I enjoy gaining new knowledge in my field, my thinking is only really solidified when I can write and talk about what I'm learning. Studying in isolation has never been my thing - I need to be part of a learning community.
I didn't apply in 2008 - there was just too much craziness going on in my life. But, 2009 seemed to be the right time. I have the stability in place to add a new endeavour: a solid job, 6 years teaching the same grade level, a supportive boss, friends who would do anything to help, no kids of my own....it will probably never be a better time! The classes are all at night, so I'll continue teaching full time, and the research/dissertation are meant to be conducted within the context of my own classroom and school.
So, I start classes in June, right after school gets out. I am very excited, but the scope of what I'll be taking on is pretty overwhelming. I'm currently trying to do a little academic reading each evening to get myself back into the mode of studying on a regular basis. It's good to know that my colleagues, friends, and the folks who run this doctorate program all have faith that I can do this. Now I'll just have to find the faith in myself!!
Big Red
1 month ago
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