Walking Into Spider Webs
I need to plan out a new jogging route. Mine is fraught with perils, and I do not mean uneven sidewalks!! Currently, part of my run is on Ted Williams Parkway, along a sidewalk with large trees growing on the street side. It seems that spiders live on these trees, and this year must have been a baby boom year for spiders! In the past, I’ve been jogging merrily along and have run into a strand or two of spiderweb. But in the past week, I have twice run into what felt like the web of Shelob! Oh, and I jog at 5 A.M., when it is still pitch dark outside. Anyway, these icky, unexpected encounters with Aragog’s fly-catching net of course necessitate my stopping, cursing loudly and then dancing and hopping around while I repeatedly brush off every inch of my body to make sure that a massive 8-legged beast is not crawling around in my hair. Brandy patiently watches, and I’m pretty sure she is laughing at
So, I thought, I will just run in the street - avoid the trees all together. I tried that today and it’s true, I didn’t run into any spiderwebs. But running in the bike path on Ted Williams Parkway during the wee morning hours with a dog alongside and cars whizzing by at 60+ miles per hour didn’t seem exactly...safe. In fact, I was a teensy bit terrified for my life.
Just when I though I had it made, having avoided the tarantulas and death by speeding commuters, I nearly had my arm yanked off as Brandy lunged into the bushes. She does this quite regularly on my runs if she sees a little bunny or a bird. But today, I looked to see what she
was after and saw a fluffy black and white tail disappearing around the bend. Cursing again, I yanked Brandy back before she continue to pursue little Pepe. Luckily, there was no spraying and we were able to continue unscathed.
These morning jogs are meant to keep me in good health, not result in a venomous spider bite, being run over by a speeding SUV, or desecration by skunk. So, tomorrow morning before I go to work I will measure out a new 4-mile course for Friday's run - hopefully spider, traffic, and Pepe-free!!
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