Here is a video of the crew raising the sail.
The weather was quite gray, windy, and even a little rainy as we headed out to Molokini. Once at the crater, I noticed it was significantly choppier than last Thursday, and the captain even said to keep an eye on the boat in case the winds got too high.
I found that the wind translated into excellent snorkeling. There were so many fish in the reef - I'm guessing the waves kicked up lots of yummy plankton for them to eat. I stayed out snorkeling for ages.
The ride back was very exciting. If you've ever snorkeled Molokini, you know that the winds off of Maui coming in to Ma'alea harbor are pretty crazy any day. Plus, this was a slightly stormy day, and it was a small boat. I sat near the front, and was soaked through for the entire ride. So fun! By the time I got back to my hotel, I was coated in a salty film. Who needs those expensive "sea salt" exfoliators??
Around 2:00, I dropped out for a long nap. I woke up around 5:00, dropped off my cold weather stuff back at the Salvation Army, and went looking for a good spot to watch my final sunset in Maui. There is a restaurant called Kimo's in downtown Lahaina that I think may have one of the best kept secrets - it is the only place in Lahaina with an oceanfront lanai (patio) that has open seating. I was able to go around 5:30, plop down at a table without waiting, and stay to watch the sunset while enjoying pupus and mai tais (I had three of 'em, so please forgive this post for any incoherent statements). It was absolutely perfect. I couldn't have conjured up any better way to spend my last evening in Maui.
That building just behind me, the waitress told me, was a restaurant called Blue, which closed in December. It is prime oceanfront property - such a shame that it's been closed 7 months. Anyone have some extra money in the bank??
I am pleased with my first experience traveling alone. It was lonely and scary at times, but overwhelmingly exciting, fun, and positive. Thank you so much to everyone who emailed and commented. Your responses truly made me feel surrounded by friends. I am very excited to go home tomorrow, as I miss all of my wonderful friends in San Diego. Maui schools begin tomorrow, August 1. I am thankful to still have several more weeks before I have to be commited to work again. Have a wonderful August everyone, and I will see you soon!
Congrats, Jen! You're a brave adventurous woman! Taking care of yourself and enjoying a wonderful place is a double whammy! Good for you!
Maholo my friend for creating a wonderful travel log. I will miss checking in to see what your day was like in wonderful Hawaii.
See you in a few weeks!
Jen, Simply AWESOME! So happy for, proud of, and amazed by you! Cant wait to hear all about everything. Call when you have time to sit down and chat a while!!
Jenny - this is your cousin Stacey!
How are you? Your mom gave me this blog address so I hope this email gets to you ok! How are things down in San Diego? I am in Hollister with Jeff and our two kids - Noell age 9 and Wyatt age 7.
Please email me and let me know how you're doing!
Take good care sweetie!
Love always, Stacey (Crummett)
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