As I read through today's San Diego Union Tribune, I read a few stories that reminded me how lucky I feel to have been born an American...
Mumbai begins grim recovery
300-plus dead in Nigeria's sectarian riots
Death sentence upheld for woman convicted of adultery in Iran
As a nation, we are facing economic travails, sure. I am not saying that our county is perfect by any means. In the good ole' USA, there is corruption, poverty, and crime. For heaven's sake we have citizens so hell bent on getting the cheapest television set that they will trample a man in order to get it.
But I am so lucky to be wrapped in a warm blanket of security as my fundamental human rights are protected by our collective belief in a just society, our infallible Constitution, and our incredibly well-outfitted national defense. I can live each day with the knowledge that I can say what I want, see who I want, lay claim to my own property, and find fullfillment in a meaningful job. Not many women around the world can claim the same. For all our flaws, I do truly believe our country is the greatest on earth.
Big Red
1 month ago